Saturday, June 24, 2017

Capturing the Moment

The boy who made me a mom recently turned four. FOUR! His birthday always makes me mushy an emotional wreck sentimental nostalgic.

Lately I've been reminded of how precious life is and that our little guy (just like every other baby) is a miracle. He is a picture of God's goodness and grace. And he teaches me so much about myself. Being his mama is humbling- especially when I see the worst parts of myself spewing out of him! He has more energy than I could ever dream of having. He's vivacious. And creative. And silly. And playful. And just full of life. (Also strong willed as they come and determined as the day is long, but I'm certain those qualities will serve him well one day.) He LOVES people.

I snapped this picture of him the other day when we were playing in the backyard. He's just growing so fast. I wanted to freeze this moment of time and capture the little details of my baby boy- who, much to my dismay, is not really a baby anymore. I love this picture because it captures so much of his personalty and his little toddler quirks and preferences.

Here he is.

Playing in his pajamas
Shoes without socks

Everything about this picture is a detail I wanted to remember. If we don't have to go anywhere he wants to stay in his pjs all day so he "won't be cold." (But who doesn't want to stay in pjs all day?) When he goes to play outside he just throws on his tennis shoes and doesn't bother with socks. His favorite place to be is outside. He can play outside for hours- even if he has no one to play with! His great big imagination keeps him plenty occupied.  I love all these details of his cute, quirky little personality and I don't want to forget them.

Every time he has hit a new stage, said or done something funny, or changed in any way, I always tell myself, "I'll never forget this." But it happens. I forget so much as the days go by. But I don't want to forget the sound of his little toddler voice. The look of his chubby little wrists and his round baby face (because those features are looking less little baby and more and more little boy every day😭)The sound of his laugh. The way he can perfectly impersonate a t-Rex. How he lives in a constant state of imagination filled with dragons, dinosaurs, and Rescue Bots. His preferences for clothing, snacks, games, toys, etc. Or how he went through a phase where he only talked like Sid the Sloth. Or the cute names he has for certain objects (like we call Oreos "chocolate milk" in our house). Or the funny way he says certain words and phrases (elphanent, granilla bar, basiketball).

So I try my best to capture these details. To help me remember what I will inevitably forget. Because it's true what they say. The days are long but the years are short. And I don't want to forget one detail about this sweet, precious gift- this boy who made me a mommy.

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