Monday, July 27, 2015

A Little Life Lesson on I-95

It’s funny how much parenthood can teach you about yourself. And how much being a parent can teach you about the Lord.

I was driving down I-95 the other day with Cason in the car and I was getting cold, so I grabbed one of his blankets from the back seat. A blanket, might I add, that he didn’t even know existed until I touched it. Not two seconds after I took that blanket I hear this shrill, “MIIINNEEE!!!” from the back of the car. And for (what felt like) five minutes, Cason repeatedly reminded me that the blanket was HIS and HE NEEDED THAT!!!

My first thought was what a little sinner! And I began to contemplate how evident the ugliness of the sinful heart is in a little two year old. Because they don’t hold anything back and what’s in their hearts comes out of their mouths! And seeing this as a teachable moment I proceeded to talk to Cason about how the blanket wasn’t really his and how great it was to share with others and that he wasn’t even using it anyway so it shouldn’t matter. None of that changed his mind at the moment, but I’m believing, hoping, and praying that the truths uncovered in these teachable moments will sink in one day!

So there I was, slightly amused and even judging my little toddler for his sinful toddler ways and at that moment the Lord gently spoke to my heart and said, “How many times do you act in the same selfish way, but you just keep those feelings on the inside? How often do you say of your time, talents, resources, finances, even possessions:  “MIINEEE!!!?” The only difference between a toddler and an adult is that toddlers say what’s on their hearts in the moment. But adults (usually) have the self-control to keep those feelings on the inside. This selfishness doesn’t (usually) manifest itself in the form of high-pitched shrieks and flailing arms and legs. But nevertheless, the heart attitude is the same, isn’t it?

While driving down I-95, what I thought was a teachable moment for my precious son ended up being a teachable moment for me. I often think that God must react to my shenanigans the same way I do to my son’s, but without the judging and with a lot more grace! And just as I desire with Cason, I know the Lord desires that the lessons behind these teachable moments will sink in one day, resulting in a heart change. While I definitely can’t say my heart is completely selfless now, I can say that I’m a little more aware of my selfish tendencies and a little more purposeful to take inventory of the state of my naturally selfish and sinful heart. And like in all things, by God’s grace may I become a little more selfless each day and may attitudes like “MIIIIINEEE” flow less and less from the heart of this sinner.Because after all, everything I have (my time, talents, resources, possessions, family, etc.) belongs to Him.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14